Los Mensajeros de Sathya Sai están haciendo un ex…


The Messengers of Sathya Sai are doing excellent work. They are helping to build dwellings for the poor in the villages. They also arrange for the marriage of poor villagers, raising the money from among themselves. Many old students of the Women’s College (at Anantapur) are living in overseas countries like Germany, U.S.A, Australia and Japan. It is an index of their devotion to Swami that they have come from these distant places for this annual meeting of «the Messengers» at great expense. I asked the President of the Association why the members are wasting money in this way. Why should they not use it for helping some poor people in their places? Every trip costs about a lakh of rupees per person. Her reply was: «Swami! We are not concerned about the expense. We come to Swami to get our spiritual batteries recharged go that we may render, better service Money comes in one way or another: But we have to develop our spirit of sacrifice. It is for this reason that we are coming here. Even the money we earn is not really ours. We are merely agents. We are a kind of trustees for our incomes.» This attitude has to be appreciated. People should regard all wealth as coming from God to be used for sacred purposes. No one brings anything with him at birth and carries anything with him at death. All relationships in between are transient. Treat all alike. Even bad people will be transformed if you treat them with love.